Invitation to Stakeholder Workshop

The FLEXI-GREEN FUELS consortium would like to invite you to our Stakeholder Workshop, where you will get insight into the past three years of research and the promising results we have obtained.

The Stakeholder Workshop will take place online:

Tuesday, 28 November 2023
10 am - 2 pm (CET)
Click to join workshop

We will send you the access code shortly before the workshop.

The workshop is divided into two topics, Session I will cover the Feedstocks and Technologies of the FLEXI-GREEN FUELS biorefinery concept and Session II will focus on the Upgrading and Perspectives of Aviation and Shipping fuels. At the end of each session we will offer you the opportunity to discuss with the speakers.

We look forward to a lively participation and an exciting exchange with you!


The H2020 EU-funded FLEXI-GREEN FUELS project aims to create a very flexible biofuels process capable of treating lignocellulosic biomass residues and organic fraction of municipal solid waste and produce a range of marketable shipping and aviation drop-in biofuel poducts and valuable by-products.

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