The FLEXI-GREEN FUELS project has ambitious targets aiming for environmental, social and economic impacts as well as establishing a solid European innovation base.

Performance and cost improvement impacts

  • Increased conversion rates and process yields for all processes in the combined concept
  • Cost reduction of up to 10 % through reduced use of cellulase enzymes
  • Reduction of oil and hydrogen costs by at least 50%
  • Very profitable process with total annual profit of 137 million € for a 50 t/h plant
  • Move the integrated concept and individual processes one Technology Readiness Level (TRL) further

Environmental impacts

  • Recycling of >400 million tonnes of low-grade waste for the production of modern biofuels
  • Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by at least 60% compared to fossil aviation and marine fuels
  • New opportunities for the European forest industry to increase the area of managed forests
  • Well-managed forests absorb more CO2 and reduce the risk of forest fires 
  • recycling possibilities of nutrients and low generation of toxins through biological processing of sugar-rich raw materials

Social impacts

  • Creation of potentially 20.000 direct and 100.000 indirect job opportunities for the development, engineering, fabrication, installation and operation of FLEXI-GREEN FUELS
  • Creation of FLEXI-GREEN FUELS processing plants with distribution throughout the EU 
  • Improving the circular economy through the production of multiple fuel and by-products from waste feedstocks
  • Creating business opportunities and jobs for rural and remote areas (forest and agriculture)
  • Contributing to at least 7 of the 17 UN development goals

EU innovation base

  • Enhancement of the competitiveness of participating European industries moving towards bio-based processes
  • Leadership in research and development of OFMSW and LIGN resource management, utilisation and valorisation Global tech export and licensing opportunities
  • Contribution to reach the binding targets for the implementation of renewable fuels
  • Boost the EU economy with advanced 2G biofuels, generating a revenue of 400 billion euros by 2030
  • Increase of energy security in Europe by reducing vegetable oil imports for aviation and shipping drop-ins


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 101007130.