In the FLEXI-GREEN FUELS project, we aim to develop an innovative, economical and sustainable shipping and aviation biofuels process, which produces several fuels from 100% renewable and sustainable resources, thereby resulting in significant GHG emission reduction potential. 

The project will advance the production of next generation liquid biofuels by developing and improving technologies for a complete conversion of two distinct types of biogenic waste resources (lignocellulosic biomass and the organic fraction of municipal waste). The process co-produces two types of aviation fuel and one type of shipping fuel, with multiple process synergies and on-site production of bio-hydrogen.

The FLEXI-GREEN FUELS project will not only optimize the individual processes that go into the overall concept, but aims to showcase the integrated process with full TEA, LCA, and business plan. We will show how the FLEXI-GREEN FUELS processes can later be integrated and implemented most beneficial in existing sites, production sites and /or grass roots. In the FLEXI-GREEN FUELS project, we will show profitable liquid biofuel processes with great flexibility and many possible options for implementation.

To achieve its objectives, the FLEXI-GREEN FUELS project is structured into 9 work packages (WPs): 

WP1 is devoted to the overall management of the project, operating successfully with the EU and partners. This WP will ensure timely delivery of results, reporting activities to the European Commission, and cover consortium management issues, including financial, administrative and legal aspects of the project.

This WP aims to fractionate lignocellulosic biomass into clean intermediates of hemi-cellulose, cellulose and lignin. The specific objective is to optimize the efficiency of the organosolv pretreatment.

WP4 will focus on the production of lipids by fungal fermentation, algae dark fermentation and lipid rich larva production. Additionally, the efficiency of lipid extraction and conditions for optimal hydrogen production is also a key aspect of this WP.

The phase behaviour of different biofuel crude mixtures resulting from WP2-5 is investigated in this WP. Suited downstream separation technologies are identified and will undergo experimental validation. As a last step, the crude biofuel mixtures are separated at pilot scale to produce the new green fuel fractions suited for fuel/engine tests.

The main goal of this WP is to characterize the composition of organic fraction of municipal waste and to optimize the cellulose hydrolysis of organic waste streams.

In this WP the feedstock organosolv lignin (received from WP2) will be converted to jet fuel alkanes. The aim of this WP is to develop fast pyrolysis processes, to optimize the Catalytic hydrogenation/deoxygenation and the purification of lignin bio-oil fractions.

Further, this WP will optimize the conversion of heavier lignin bio-oil fractions and lipids in hydrotreating and will investigate and optimize the catalytic conversion of hemicellulose sugars to jet fuel alkanes.

To achieve the objective of this WP, the needs for fuel/-blending components/fractions will be defined and key physical and chemical properties of the new biofuels/mixtures will be analysed. New biofuel blends will be prepared, assessed and tested in the laboratory. In addition, assessment of aviation fuel approval and pilot shipping engine fuel testing is performed.

This WP will focus on flowsheet modelling, simulation and integration with industrial relevant tools. The environmental life cycle impact (LCA) and techno-economic analysis (TEA) will be an integrated part of the project and evaluate cost and sustainability indicators.

Benchmarking the next generation biofuel products against conventional transportation fuels.

In order to achieve the best impact of the project, generated data and innovations are exploited to the benefit of the involved partners. The main objective of the WP is to develop communication materials and tools and to create awareness by involving the public, reaching scientific communities and relevant stakeholder. The exploitation strategy will further ensure the protection of generated intellectual properties and evaluate the commercial feasibility of the novel developed technology.


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 101007130.