You and your team are working on the “Lipid production from black soldier fly larvae (BSFL)” in the FLEXI-GREEN FUELS project.
In 2018, we had two Masters students investigate different feeds and develop process models for lipid extraction from BSFL. Our collaboration with ENORM starts through this student project and only strengthen during the course of the FLEXI-GREEN FUELS project.
What is the most surprising result in these two years of the project?
The feed conversion ratio (FCR) shows the efficiency of converting dry feed into larvae biomass. A lower FCR value indicates greater feed efficiency, meaning that less feed is required to produce a unit of weight gain. A higher FCR value suggests lower efficiency, as more feed is needed to achieve the same weight gain. FCR is an important metric as it helps to optimize feed management, reduce feed costs, and improve overall profitability. In our experiments we found higher inclusion of OFMSW, seems to have a lower FCR, thus indicating that mixing of OFMSW is a good feed for BSFL.
And what is the most challenging aspect so far?
In the FLEXI-GREEN FUELS project, we are investing the extraction of 3 valuable components from the BSFL – lipids, proteins and chitin. The extraction and separation of proteins and chitin is one of the most challenging steps for us.
What additional benefits do you expect from the project?
AAU along with ENORM is interested in testing the uptake of low cost and unutilized organic biomass as feed for BSFL. Additionally, apart from proteins and lipids, we are also interested in valorising high-value low quantity side streams from BSFL, such as chitin.
Thank you for the insights into your thoughts. One last question. What is your favourite technical “research tool” and what can it do?
As a research tool, I would have to say analytical tools such at FTIR or HPLC or GC-MS are my favorite technical research tools. In the laboratory we can optimize several processing and operating conditions, however valuable insights are provided only after we have analysed the various compounds and their concentrations, to validate whether the physical processing conditions have achieved their intended outcomes.